*{Terminate On Sight}2nd Album*

2nd Album,moving away from my traditional style,and going to use more anger,violence and realism in this album.This will hopefully do well.

Better than me-*Something for my little girl*

A piece I made for my daughter,Treska,Also the third single off my second album TOS.

**African Queen**

Some of us beleive God,if you do.How do you imagine God to look like? Different or the conventional way?

Bad News

Once again it's the media,bringing bad news.

Dead men,in the back of your mind*2nd single off TOS Album

If dead men could walk in your sleep,what would you do? If dead men could kill in your sleep,how would you come through? If they could holla words,stronger then your best verses emphasised,

{Just Another Day}-1st single off TOS Album

Something different,with a strong point.

Racism Card,Race Card!!

Did you use the racist card?

Iternal Bleeding

Imagine,the issues around you cause iternal bleeding.Like a child in its Mothers womb.I carry bleeding guilt of todays society at worse.


Karma is a bitch.

There comes a day!

There comes a day,were you will think about your life. Don't regret what you've done in it.

Tough Times

We all face tough times in life,just need to know how to deal with them.This piece dedicated to a close friend that I lost,hope you can all relate to this in someway.Reminice about someone you lost