Inspiration point (IP)

They're digging up bits of my home ciity of York again, for new roads, and as ever they've unearthed fascinating evidence of the people who were here before us. If you had to choose up to three objects to show what life is like now, either for you personally or people generally, what would they be? What stories would they tell? Looking forward to hearing about them!

Inspiration point


Rude, in a Carry On sort of way. Picture is from pixabay used under Creative Commons 0
Gold cherry
Poem of the week


By Henri Rousseau -
Gold cherry

The Game of the Name

Hooray! The most popular baby names list is out! No, I couldn't care less. Yes, I love a bit of a gawp at other people's choices.

I've been there

I've been there. When you had too much dramas in life, losing the people you love a lot, so many changes happen, You tend to keep your circle small,...
