Inspiration point (IP)

For this week's Inspiration Point I'm giving you one word: food. I look forward to seeing what you manage to cook up with that smiley

Inspiration point

According to the Birdie

O little birdie on the tree, what are you watching, what d’you see? ‘Someone swinging with his pole to push a ball towards a hole …

The Bogeyman (Childrens Rhyme)

1. A rabbit was hopping through the woods one day when he saw a big bogeyman coming his way so he hopped and he hopped as fast as he could till the...

The child

I walked down the street, feeling the morning breeze. Unconsciously listening to the birds singing as I watched the fine sky. I feel like the sun...

The Girl of the Ivory Tower

Once there was a girl who lived in an ivory tower. She was always asleep. One day she woke up to find that the walls of her ivory tower were...
