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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryDemon's Gateway MrBillyD18 years 12 months ago
StorySmashed Potatoes MrBillyD49 years 14 hours ago
StoryShe Who is About to... MrBillyD29 years 1 day ago

My stories

But is it Really Art? Chapter 2

2 Buffy and Spike were seated in the living room. They'd turned on the TV and watched the News on CNN. "We're having dinner with Wolf Blitzer again...

But is it Really Art? Chapter 1

Fan Fiction based on the former TV Series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Dawn objects to a certain magazine that Spike has brought into the Summer's House. Anyone with a fear of large, hairy spiders is warned. This story is a sequel to the previous story, “Buffy’s New World Order”.

He Will Flee

A Message From God

Power in the Word

Fan Fiction based on the former TV Series "Joan of Arcadia" in which Joan is suspended from school for bringing a Bible to Class.

Infernal Revenuers

An I.R.S. Agent is assigned to monitor the sermons atan Evangelical Christian Church, listening for anything which might be classified as “Hate Speech”.
