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I have 1996 stories published in 34 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 2183734 times and 1308 of my stories have been cherry picked.
354 of my 3,548 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 382 votes

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Ewan's picture
Ewan Lawrie

The picture is me signing copies of my novel, Gibbous House at Unbound Books HQ in Islington by the canal.
All three Moffat novels are available here

My stories

O'Neals Crossroad

You can't hide in a small town

Leisure Lee

a slow small town maybe


Even a small town gets visitors it might not want...

Jumpertown (Edit)

A poem (un)inspired etc... this is the one that started it... blame it, not me

La Reproduction Interdite (Ceci n'est pas une poeme)

And the grouper said:'I'm an artist you know...' I said 'no? Surreally?
