Jane Hyphen

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I have 347 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 547879 times and 433 of my stories have been cherry picked.
434 of my 2,397 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 461 votes

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My stories

George and Spider Part Four cont'd

There followed a long awkward pause. George put his arm around Maxene then rubbed his hand up and down her shoulder as if to soothe her.

George and Spider Part Four - The Jules House

Every few months Arthur would pick a Sunday and organise a family event.

Bishops with Vaginas

God's a man they know it to dispute it is a sin Can't you feel the bristles of his beard against your skin? His child a boy, a king no less was formed without disgrace

George and Spider Part Three - The Shop

The sun rose into a cool blue, autumn sky, its rays broke through the gap in George's curtains, penetrating his eyelids and gently pulling him back from his dream.
