Kazeronnie Mak

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I have 29 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 4582 times

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Kazeronnie Mak

Life is such a very complicated matter.
Just we are so impotent when things happen sometimes.
There will have too much interludes happening in our lives.
Love is just an interlude amongst all.

I'm simply a messenger.

I truly hope to share the truth and the positive messages with others and
the messages can pass on from one to another…….

I always believe if everyone does a bit good deed,
bit by bit, we can make a harmonious world!

No matter which religion we believe in or we believe in nothing.
Still, we have to put our hearts at the right place and have a sense of justice alwaysssssss.

My stories

[HE] and [SHE]

A senior professor said to the students in a class, ‘We are going to do a survey today.’ ‘SURVEY!’ the students thought that might be more...

The romance of the mutes

Galaxy saw a man and a woman who communicated with the sign language at the train station, when she was on the way home one evening. She noticed that...

So, you are very wealthy

A young man muttered at his bad luck and penniless situation. He frowned all days. A wise senior came across to talk to him,“Hey kiddy, why are you...

The will of HEAVEN

All creatures are the will of HEAVEN. It started from the ancient time to elongate till now. How much can the earthling gain or lose? HEAVEN commands...

A bank savings account book

My mother presented me with a bank savings account book on the eve of my wedding. There was $1000.00 in it. My mother smiled and said, ‘You both are...
