Kazeronnie Mak

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I have 29 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 4586 times

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Kazeronnie Mak

Life is such a very complicated matter.
Just we are so impotent when things happen sometimes.
There will have too much interludes happening in our lives.
Love is just an interlude amongst all.

I'm simply a messenger.

I truly hope to share the truth and the positive messages with others and
the messages can pass on from one to another…….

I always believe if everyone does a bit good deed,
bit by bit, we can make a harmonious world!

No matter which religion we believe in or we believe in nothing.
Still, we have to put our hearts at the right place and have a sense of justice alwaysssssss.

My stories


His feeling for her became more and more just a procedure and an obligation after they had been married for ten years. The passions and the joys were...

The best and the last love in your entire life

A very distracted man has a talk with Buddha in a temple one late night. He, ‘Enlightened Buddha, I’m a married man, but I’m frantically falling in...

A damsel who had prayed for a millennium

Once upon a time, there was a pretty, pure and versatile damsel from an aristocratic family. She had a graceful name – Huimei. Her virtue made so...

A very ill-tempered woman

Once upon a time, there was a very ill-tempered woman. She could rage over a silly little thing always. She understood that was wrong. She consulted...

Love was at a distance of 47 years

It was back to 16 years ago, Guixiang had married to his beloved wife of neglect the secular remarks. When he met a woman whose name was Xiulian, a...
