Simon Barget

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I have 315 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 192666 times and 236 of my stories have been cherry picked.
25 of my 364 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 25 votes

Simon Barget's picture

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My stories

Gold cherry


Every morning there is a cease-fire but every night the hostilities resume. Never is there material advancement, any taking of land, men, civilians,...
Gold cherry
Story of the week


Everything here is fenced off and it doesn’t matter what you do, no one is going to care or see it. You have absolute freedom but then you have...


What people think. Ok, what they think about you, then. What they actively actually think. You and your proclivities. Wouldn’t you like to know. Of...


The audition for the role of ‘me’ took place in a dimly-lit room on the third floor of an institutional building on the outskirts of Holborn. There...


Let us take stock a moment, let us review, analyse, dissect and second-guess. Now is the time, the moment. Well I thought you were all good, did good...


25 of my comments have received 25 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Rachel, sorry, thank you for

Posted on Thu, 08 Aug 2024

Rachel, sorry, thank you for your lovely comment and story of the week!

Interestingly I went to a lit crit group last night for the first time in years. They all navigated their way to abctales at my behest and read this on their...

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Posted in Fence

1 Vote

Shurely shome mishtake..

Posted on Tue, 02 Apr 2024

Shurely shome mishtake.. thanks drew, I'm delighted!!

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Posted in Brownwall

1 Vote

Was very difficult for me to

Posted on Sat, 25 Nov 2023

Was very difficult for me to write. Thank you so much for reading. 

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Posted in Us and them

1 Vote

HahahahahahahahagaI laughed

Posted on Sun, 08 Oct 2023

HahahahahahahahagaI laughed oud loud!

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Posted in The little person

1 Vote

Hello and thank you very much

Posted on Sat, 30 Sep 2023

Hello and thank you very much for your comment.  That was the feedback I was looking for!

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Posted in The Band

1 Vote

Very nice! It's>its. 

Posted on Mon, 09 May 2022

Very nice! It's>its. 

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Posted in You learn about the sunshine

1 Vote

I finally confess to multiple

Posted on Mon, 31 Jan 2022

I finally confess to multiple murders and you come along and tell me I should be writing about collecting tennis rackets????

Thanks for reading, as always much appreciated. 

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Posted in Killer

1 Vote

Thanks again for your

Posted on Thu, 28 Oct 2021

Thanks again for your excellent feedback. Have changed it and tidied it up generally.



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Posted in Pain au chocolat

1 Vote

Yes you are right about

Posted on Thu, 28 Oct 2021

Yes you are right about autistic. I didn't like it, will change 

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Posted in Pain au chocolat

1 Vote

Provencalienne is my little

Posted on Wed, 15 Sep 2021

Provencalienne is my little flourish!

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Posted in No.782
