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I have 45 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 54884 times and 10 of my stories have been cherry picked.
6 of my 141 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 6 votes

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Brexit, Sun & Glorious History

The Brexit/Sun case makes a lot of how we should return to the golden age of Free Trade. They say the EU is a brake on our sovereign right to keep...


A much revised version of EBOLOWA will be on sale in book shops and online at IN SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2017!!! many thanks meantime to...


A much revised version of EBOLOWA will be on sale in book shops and online at Details to follow as and when. many thanks meantime to...


42 A much revised version of EBOLOWA will be on sale in book shops and online at Details to follow as and when. many thanks meantime to...


41 A much revised version of EBOLOWA will be on sale in book shops and online at Details to follow as and when. many thanks meantime to...


6 of my comments have received 6 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

the fun shows

Posted on Thu, 04 Aug 2016

Hi Ewan - - the fun you're getting cretainly shows up - - you clearly get a kick out of the period style and the Chandler homage, it's smart, charming and maybe meandering but we'd better wait and see on that - - But I wonder if the fun you're...

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Posted in The Picture Ranch 10

1 Vote

just funny

Posted on Wed, 24 Feb 2016

Hi Celtic - - you steer that cousre again, all the time so nearly tilting us into the Dark and it sure keeps us on our toes - - something bad is coming, you know it, and the only time you lose your touch it shows - - steel fingers and the piano...

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Posted in Huts Xish

1 Vote

beautifully balanced

Posted on Sat, 27 Feb 2016

you have perfect balance here Celticman, excellent emotional switchback.  The opening paragraph has great energy but for me it clogged for a second with Uri Geller.

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Posted in old stock

1 Vote


Posted on Thu, 16 Jul 2015

hello jean - - - I enjoyed your evocative stories on the return of missionaries from the West Indies and have now read this new beginning in CXIX Marple.  As before your writing rings with historical accuracy - - and then I read in the comments...

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Posted in Two weddings in Marple - 1 Beginning to Plan

1 Vote

I don't know --- we're always

Posted on Thu, 09 Jul 2015

I don't know --- we're always our own toughest critics --- it just always good to know there's people out there trying to crack the same problem 

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Posted in EBOLOWA 7