Inspiration point (IP)

For this week's Inspiration Point I'm giving you one word: food. I look forward to seeing what you manage to cook up with that smiley

Inspiration point

What you see when you open the window

He notices the light. It's a sparing flame shivering above a wax candle. It does not bother him how the rays ricochets against his brittle eyes. What...

Inspired by a typo!

[IP: ‘Godwill to all’, but I think it’s meant to be ‘Goodwill to all’!] God’s will of goodwill to all on earth … “goodwill instill in us!”

Scorned Invites

He invited his ‘friends’ to the party, and then prepared it all. When everything was ready, he sent the usual call – but they didn’t feel like going...

Perceived Misconception

Hard to recall exactly those slithering ghosts snaking silently, whilst trying to process each new dawning of a younger me... especially that...
