Inspiration point (IP)

For this week's Inspiration Point I'm giving you one word: food. I look forward to seeing what you manage to cook up with that smiley

Inspiration point


Back home, there is no Fall

Lots of brown, that's what I remember. Or red, was it Red? There's Red Rocks and the Red Rock Ten, Names aren't really creative back home. I miss...

The Composer

Grand opening bars, then fingers stop, thoughts fizzle out, ideas flop …

Watching, not touching!

I do like bugs*, and snails and slugs, but slugs are slimey to hold in your hand, and bugs are tickley, and may defend themselves, by a nip or sting...

Daddy and the Wolf

Daddy lifted the blinds, the better to talk, and as he did, he peered outside. He was always on the watch for ‘talent’. He thought what he’d just...
