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I have 35 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 13319 times and 2 of my stories have been cherry picked.

AngelsandEagles's picture

My collections

My stories


Here, her eyes spoke deader. Heart longs for yonder. Missing, just like her false teeth. Was her life meant for something more? Just because.

Burnt Sienna Leaves

“So, your favourite season has always been autumn?” Leaves rustle on a crisp autumn Monday morning...

The Handshake

The hand I shook with was wintrily cold, just like the coolness of laying your own body on the bathroom floor in the morning.


There he goes, Rosseaux. Watching, witnessing, abhorring. Rosseaux walks and stops. Ardently, he imagines. With eyes closed, lashes tender, head tilted to one side.

One Week

Standing on a broken highway all alone, There's nobody with me since yesterday, I grab my guitar, played a song where feelings are all gone, I use a fishing net to catch a Monday,
