I have 432 stories published in
11 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 346034 times
and 80 of my stories have been cherry picked. 72 of my 566 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 72 votes
72 of my comments have received 72 Great Feedback votes
1 Vote
Ahh ! Fond memories of my
Posted on Mon, 26 Jan 2015
Ahh ! Fond memories of my teaching days. I left the bullshiters to it last year. The 'target setters' who are more bothered about looking good and their personal careers than those of the children. No wonder the kids do say 'f**k you!' and...
I for one will be waiting to read the next instalment. I think this is cleverly written and gives you endless choices as to where it goes next . Loved it.
I must have read hundreds of poems about WW1. Indeed, I studied it briefly during my time at college. Many are bitter and angry poems, but the beauty of this work is the simple, powerful question that for many is yet to be answered 'what for...
I remember the wall going up and coming down. As I read this, I thought about the many who tried and failed to cross the wall. A great piece of writing. Thank you
I too stumbled across this piece, but I am glad I did. I offer no advice because I don't believe it needs it. This was written from my favourite place - the bottom of your heart and it is a beautiful piece.
I don't know why, but I was taken back to an evening class for so-called beginners Welsh. Truth is, it was a gossip club and very clicky. I couldn't handle most of what was said and it was clear that most of the class were far beyond me. So I...
This is the kind of writing I find most powerful. You seem to be examining your thoughts and expressing them. People often recoil from being preached to and this piece doesn't. Your essay is more likely to spawn many others on the subject. ...
Ahh ! Fond memories of my
Posted on Mon, 26 Jan 2015
Ahh ! Fond memories of my teaching days. I left the bullshiters to it last year. The 'target setters' who are more bothered about looking good and their personal careers than those of the children. No wonder the kids do say 'f**k you!' and...
Read full commentPosted in Lazy Bloody Teachers
New to this kind of 'hopping'
Posted on Thu, 01 Jan 2015
New to this kind of 'hopping' before, but I loved it. Well deserved accolades!
Read full commentPosted in Christmas Game Over
I for one will be waiting to
Posted on Sat, 27 Dec 2014
I for one will be waiting to read the next instalment. I think this is cleverly written and gives you endless choices as to where it goes next . Loved it.
Read full commentPosted in 1. Desmond's Lunch-Break
I must have read hundreds of
Posted on Sun, 01 Jun 2014
I must have read hundreds of poems about WW1. Indeed, I studied it briefly during my time at college. Many are bitter and angry poems, but the beauty of this work is the simple, powerful question that for many is yet to be answered 'what for...
Read full commentPosted in "Oh, It's a Lovely War!"
I remember the wall going up
Posted on Sat, 20 Dec 2014
I remember the wall going up and coming down. As I read this, I thought about the many who tried and failed to cross the wall. A great piece of writing. Thank you
Read full commentPosted in 25 Years After
I too stumbled across this
Posted on Mon, 08 Sep 2014
I too stumbled across this piece, but I am glad I did. I offer no advice because I don't believe it needs it. This was written from my favourite place - the bottom of your heart and it is a beautiful piece.
Thank you.
Read full commentPosted in A difference of Opinion
I don't know why, but I was
Posted on Fri, 26 Sep 2014
I don't know why, but I was taken back to an evening class for so-called beginners Welsh. Truth is, it was a gossip club and very clicky. I couldn't handle most of what was said and it was clear that most of the class were far beyond me. So I...
Read full commentPosted in Buttercups and Daisies
Belonging etc
Posted on Fri, 19 Sep 2014
This is the kind of writing I find most powerful. You seem to be examining your thoughts and expressing them. People often recoil from being preached to and this piece doesn't. Your essay is more likely to spawn many others on the subject. ...
Read full commentPosted in Belonging, Loyalty, Freedom and Independence (Late I.P.) 566 words