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I have 419 stories published in 11 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 299886 times and 75 of my stories have been cherry picked.
69 of my 553 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 69 votes

forest_for_ever's picture
Graham Fewell


My stories


Fairy Glen

Fairy Glen. Everyone, well a lot of people have a ‘go to ‘ place they can retreat to. Be it to hide from the storm of life or simply to rekindle the...

I Never Kept A Diary

I Never Kept A Diary I never kept a Diary, Relying on memories instead Images and voices Stored inside my head I always trusted recall To fill in all...


69 of my comments have received 69 Great Feedback votes

2 Votes


Posted on Mon, 12 Aug 2019

You have such a talent for rhythm and a sensitivity for writing on your surroundings...a beautiful poem.

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Posted in Through the year month by month

2 Votes

Cat Therapy

Posted on Sat, 06 Oct 2018

I so adored this story.  Partly because it is true and beautiful, partly because I adore cats and one saved my wife's sanity.  Tali came to us in April 2014.  She jumped on my son's shoulders at the cat rescue centre....'she never does that!'...

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Posted in How writing (and a cat called Daisy) may have saved my life...

1 Vote

I shall be reading this again

Posted on Sat, 04 Nov 2023

I shall be reading this again.  I loved it and it sent both chills and excitement through my veins. a brilliant take on the IP and a beautifully written piece.

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Posted in Persona non grata

1 Vote

Powerful, symetrical and

Posted on Tue, 31 Oct 2023

Powerful, symetrical and fantastic imagery.  Worth a Pick of the Day and a part in any anthology....Luigi strikes again !

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Posted in One Good Turn

1 Vote

Oh what memories...loved this

Posted on Wed, 11 Oct 2023

Oh what memories...loved this one.

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Posted in 6 (?) to dinner

1 Vote

I loved, loved, .loved this. 

Posted on Sat, 02 Sep 2023

I loved, loved, .loved this.  One of those poems that just flows (pun intended) and well worth a golden cherry. Well done.

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Posted in The sounds of rain

1 Vote

I was approached by an old

Posted on Wed, 14 Jun 2023

I was approached by an old man in my nearby home town.  He just about told me his life story in about ten minutes..  Just as he was about to move offf he said "thanks for listening, I don't have anyone to talk to..."  I still want to cry when I...

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Posted in Do I know you?

1 Vote

Your writing is in its self

Posted on Wed, 12 Apr 2023

Your writing is in its self an inspiration.  Loved it as usual.

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Posted in Twists and Turns

1 Vote

I so get this poem.  A well

Posted on Fri, 17 Feb 2023

I so get this poem.  A well written piece with powerful emotions clearly implied.  Loved it.

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Posted in A Valentine from a False Friend

1 Vote

Lovely rhythm Rhiannon.  I

Posted on Mon, 30 Jan 2023

Lovely rhythm Rhiannon.  I always say a silent prayer when the blue flashing light goes by. They are never going to a celebration.

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Posted in Let the Blue through!
