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I have 711 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 639888 times and 145 of my stories have been cherry picked.
22 of my 481 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 22 votes

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Joseph Xavier Martin

My stories

Beware of friends who say they support you

Doing an Eagleton During the 1972 Presidential election, democratic challenger George McGovern chose Missouri Senator Tom Eagleton as his running...

Seeing life through a prism

Seeing life through a prism Woven throughout the wonderful fabulist works of J.K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolken and others are a cast of mystical characters...

Agism or chicanery?

We are all guilty of normal human aging Several media organizations and a few candidates are enjoying making fun of people who are getting older...

Truth in Advertising- public media

Give the Media a Break In public forums, discussing errors in the mainstream media reporting, one is reminded of the famous “Dewey defeats Truman”...

A Trip through Old Florida

Babcock Ranch Excursion We set out from Estero at 10:30 A.M. and followed Rte. # 75 north. We exited onto Bayshore Rd., following it east to Rte. #31...


22 of my comments have received 22 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

The blended imagery, of old

Posted on Tue, 22 Feb 2022

The blended imagery, of old and worn out bldgs, with the visage of poor and blighted souls, relegated to being old and worn out, works. The gray and life-worn countenance is like a weight upon the soul of those observing both. One wonders what...

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Posted in Blustery Day In Town

1 Vote

In great democracies, lke the

Posted on Sun, 06 Feb 2022

In great democracies, lke the U.S, Britain and Canada, all things are possible if the citizenry takes corrective actions to heal itself. The rascals don't always win. Let's hope common sense and decency steer us in the right direction. Thanks for...

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Posted in Kabuki Theater or The Twilight Zone?

1 Vote

It is a tale, well told, of

Posted on Sun, 16 Jan 2022

It is a tale, well told, of reverie and longing for a past now far away. Mr Lee is all of us looking back at who and what we are, a composite of those who have come before us. I enjoed the story.


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Posted in Mr. Lee's Cafe

1 Vote

Whinsical and entertaining

Posted on Fri, 14 Jan 2022


             Wonderful mix of whimsy and mythology, drifting back and forth through different temporarl references. I much enjoyed the tale. A slud!


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Posted in The God of Mistakes

1 Vote

May the falling waters be

Posted on Fri, 31 Dec 2021

May the falling waters be gentle and the rush soft on your life, Jen.


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Posted in Embracing New Year

1 Vote


Posted on Fri, 24 Dec 2021


        Dickens would have been flattered:) Well scripted. It stands alone as a wonderful, interesting  vignette!


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Posted in A Christmas Boris

1 Vote

De nada, Insert. It is we,

Posted on Wed, 15 Dec 2021

De nada, Insert. It is we, who post here, who Thank you and all of your volunteers for providing a place for writers to gather and display their works. My warmest wishes to all of you for a happy and healthy Holiday Season and Bonne Chance in the...

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Posted in Happy Christmas

1 Vote

Touching, Paul. Many of us

Posted on Tue, 14 Sep 2021

Touching, Paul. Many of us can relate to the tragic emptyness when a loved one is lost. And hope always is a good ending. I much enjoyed the piece.


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Posted in With or Without You

1 Vote


Posted on Mon, 30 Aug 2021


                 I much enjoyed reading this story. It has the ring of the far east drifting through your narrative.Pearl Buck would be right at home with your story. James Clavell would appreciate the ambiance. Well done....

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Posted in Chinese Whispers (edited and updated, 2021)

1 Vote

Two votes already cast for

Posted on Fri, 30 Oct 2020

Two votes already cast for Biden/Harris in Florida, from this family.


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Posted in Corona Log entry 10/30/20
