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I have 1875 stories published in 16 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 2762935 times and 553 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1340 of my 12,255 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1379 votes

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My stories

Silver swish

Glimpse of silver, swish and skitter, fish-like darting, wriggling slither; little harmless insect flitter, – do you cringe, or jump or shiver? Disliked lodgers little matter

Ugh! a slug!

Click on the kitchen light in dark of night; – a rude awakening, such a sight: upon the tile a big brown slug: ugh!! Don’t touch! remove with card or glove or plastic bag, or rag –

Back to School!

September mornings, sunny faces walking crisply back to school … September mornings, Mums released … Now their therapy’s begun, they walk their flock, or drive the run …

A sweet or sour end?

Though bones may crumble, your movements fumble, joints stiffen, legs weaken – a heart that’s humble, sweet and loving, is ever giving, with gift to lift the weary visitor,

One small step = one giant leap, his mother knows (IP?)

… Don’t push that struggling child to run, but praise that step – progress begun! … For that small step, his mother knows, was like a giant leap (pride shows).
