Inspiration point (IP)

This week's Inspiration Point, roughly inspired by Ralph's poem, The Rower, is to write a story or poem based on a piece of writing you admire. 

Inspiration point



My grandmother was eighty-four when she gave me the box. It was musty and dog-eared, and held together with masking tape. And in it: a collection of...


I love about her that she’s perfect. A tight little ball of rightness, no taller than my thigh. But already: she has this magic in her. Put her in...
Gold cherry
Pick of the Month


All I want for Christmas is words. Just a scatter of words. Just a handful. I find my eyes drawn back towards the phone on the wall in the hallway –...

The Gift

The gift was promised, needed, awaited by some; wanted, longed for, improbable solution appropriate, powerful to solve, effective to emancipate,...

‘Have a chocolate?’

She gave me a box of chocolates: “Have one with me”, I said. The paper was stuck, unpeeled it, and what a sight there was to see! …
