Inspiration point (IP)

For this week's Inspiration Point I'm giving you one word: food. I look forward to seeing what you manage to cook up with that smiley

Inspiration point


Lost in the Star (Poetry Monthly)

[IP:A bit of a yuletide theme but with an added dash of an ABCtales challenge for you this week. Work in the following words into your story or poem...

Santa's Little Helpers...(I.P.)

...not forgetting Donner and Blitzen who were mortified to discover they might not get a mention. Quite a challenge to write, but our little cloven-hoofed friends are worth it, hands down.

Jingle Bells...Jingle Bells...!! ( IP)

‘…better now or never Rudo…bring them all in and let’s get on with it…! Hi guys bad news I’m afraid, there’s no easy way to say this but…! As from...

Dear Oh Dear Reindeer

Dasher dashed out to the snow Whilst Dancer danced about Prancer, well he simply pranced, Making Santa shout, Comet came, then soon sped off As Cupid...
