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I have 111 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 178070 times and 121 of my stories have been cherry picked.
53 of my 481 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 59 votes

HarryC's picture
Kevin Marman

Care worker, writer, memester, autist, dissenter.

I like people who not only think outside the box, but reshape the box into something else!

I've been writing since I was 10.  It's my sanctuary - though the structure often needs maintenance.  Over the last twenty or so years, I've won some writing prizes (nothing major) for short fiction, poetry and playwriting.  In 2013, I published my first novel, 'In the Day'.  Looking at it now, I can see all sorts of things I would change - but I suppose that shows progress.  I also have a collection of short fiction, 'Still Life', available for Kindle.

In 2015, at the grand age of 56, I was finally diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Condition (Asperger's).  I live alone with my cat, Daisy, and lots of books.

My stories


More Pie

A poem about growing old disgracefully... Image: mine

Just a few words...

...on 'Plan A' day, when working-from-home advice, mandatory mask-wearing and Covid passes are all dropped in the UK... and we're told we need to start 'learning to live' again. (Image: my own; names changed)


(image: my own)

Things I Did On My Day Off

Drinking cheap wine, I sit streaming old episodes of 'The Sweeney', filmed in the same London streets I grew up in. I check the locations and find...

Money - some context

As of 13th January 2022 (last Thursday), the Top Ten richest people (all men) in the world had an estimated (official) net worth as follows:


53 of my comments have received 59 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

I don't think it is our

Posted on Sat, 15 Jan 2022

I don't think it is our decision.  I don't think we have any say in the matter.  It's just the way it works.  The rich can get away with whatever they like.  The poor just have to put up with it.  Because they have no power.  Not even at the...

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Posted in Money - some context

1 Vote


Posted on Sat, 15 Jan 2022

Bring your own suitcase!

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Posted in Money - some context

1 Vote

Well said, Di!

Posted on Sat, 15 Jan 2022

JC was routinely denounced as a Marxist - usually by people who've never read a word of Marx, and perpetuate the usual misunderstandings and misinformation about him.  'Look at the Soviet Union.  Look at North Korea.'  Okay, yeah... look at them...

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Posted in Big Man Up Front

1 Vote

Hi Jane

Posted on Sun, 02 Jan 2022

Reading this story this morning has made my day!  I'm self-isolating at the moment, trying to focus on things other than Facebook (just deactivated from there at last - one addiction I can do without now!), so thought it was time to get back to...

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Posted in Five Other People Are Looking At This Item

1 Vote

Enjoyed this

Posted on Tue, 28 Dec 2021

It reminded me of years gone by, when I had a huge collection of pencils and notepads - and used them!  Not used a pencil in ages.  Perhaps it's good to get back to basics.

I never really understood the HB, 4B, 2B stuff, mind.


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Posted in BBBB

1 Vote

Loved it!

Posted on Mon, 27 Dec 2021

Hi Rich,

As you know, I'm a fan of John McNulty.  You're a worthy successor.  I love reading short pieces like this.  Great characters, slices of life - and lines to kill for:

To Whosit,

For your consideration....

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Posted in Chasing Down the Holidays

1 Vote

Thank you all!

Posted on Sun, 26 Dec 2021

I'm so grateful for your comments, folks.  They mean a lot, truly.  To be honest, I haven't really been able to focus on writing or reading since the Covid crisis began.  It's had a huge impact on my mental health.  However, I recently got a...

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Posted in An Undertaking

1 Vote

Yeah.  I fictionalised it

Posted on Mon, 04 Mar 2019

Yeah.  I fictionalised it this time.  I don't like defining people by their features, but it's the kind of thing kids notice. No offence to anyone with large noses.  I've got large ears!

I can remember that day like it was yesterday. ...

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Posted in The Love of the Loveless (Chapter 6) (9)

1 Vote

Chapter 5 (2)...

Posted on Sun, 03 Mar 2019

Chapter 5 (2)...

I had three of Michael.  One as a small child, standing beside a Christmas tree, grinning a toothy grin as he held a bottle of beer up to a pint jug.  Clearly something posed by dad.  It always brought a smile to mum,...

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Posted in The Love of the Loveless (Chapter 6) (6)

1 Vote

Cheers, mate.  It was the

Posted on Fri, 01 Mar 2019

Cheers, mate.  It was the colour of cotton, rather than like it... but I know what you mean.  Ash-grey is a cliche, too.  Hard to avoid 'em, really.

Minimum wage doesn't even get paid by some companies.  Some garment factories in Leicester...

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Posted in The Love of the Loveless (Chapter 6) (1)
