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I have 101 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 172848 times and 117 of my stories have been cherry picked.
43 of my 454 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 49 votes

HarryC's picture
Kevin Marman

Care worker, writer, memester, autist, dissenter.

I like people who not only think outside the box, but reshape the box into something else!

I've been writing since I was 10.  It's my sanctuary - though the structure often needs maintenance.  Over the last twenty or so years, I've won some writing prizes (nothing major) for short fiction, poetry and playwriting.  In 2013, I published my first novel, 'In the Day'.  Looking at it now, I can see all sorts of things I would change - but I suppose that shows progress.  I also have a collection of short fiction, 'Still Life', available for Kindle.

In 2015, at the grand age of 56, I was finally diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Condition (Asperger's).  I live alone with my cat, Daisy, and lots of books.

My collections

My stories


More Pie

A poem about growing old disgracefully... Image: mine

Just a few words...

...on 'Plan A' day, when working-from-home advice, mandatory mask-wearing and Covid passes are all dropped in the UK... and we're told we need to start 'learning to live' again. (Image: my own; names changed)


(image: my own)

Things I Did On My Day Off

Drinking cheap wine, I sit streaming old episodes of 'The Sweeney', filmed in the same London streets I grew up in. I check the locations and find...

Money - some context

As of 13th January 2022 (last Thursday), the Top Ten richest people (all men) in the world had an estimated (official) net worth as follows:


43 of my comments have received 49 Great Feedback votes

2 Votes

And it's a very common

Posted on Mon, 04 Mar 2019

And it's a very common experience with high-functioning autistics - as I read and hear all the time from others.  Even in my last job, with an autism charity, the lack of proper understanding was profound.  I left in the end because of a bullying...

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Posted in The Love of the Loveless (Chapter 6) (8)

2 Votes

I understand the info

Posted on Tue, 06 Nov 2018

I understand the info overload!  It's all a lot to take in, and it takes time to process.  I'm 3 years past diagnosis now, and I'm still running the numbers.  To use the old cliche, it's a rollercoaster.  So many positives... but the other side...

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Posted in Aspie Life

2 Votes

Thanks, Stephen.  It takes

Posted on Tue, 06 Nov 2018

Thanks, Stephen.  It takes some processing - and we're good at that!  I over-analyse everything.

I tried to make this not so much about behaviours and more about how Aspies perceive the world.  It's one of the reasons that diagnosis is so...

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Posted in Aspie Life

2 Votes

Legalise it now.  Either that

Posted on Fri, 02 Nov 2018

Legalise it now.  Either that, or I'm emigrating to Canada!

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Posted in Ode to Cannabis Sativa

2 Votes

A beautiful tale, Lindy.  It

Posted on Thu, 13 Mar 2014

A beautiful tale, Lindy.  It lifted my heart to read this today.

That's sounds like exactly my kind of holiday, too!  The travel agents never quite understand, do they.

I especially love the hope embodied in this - the...

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Posted in Monochrome

2 Votes

So many things going on in

Posted on Sun, 16 Mar 2014

So many things going on in this one, Tina.  Love, loss, disappointment, aging, the sense of growing isolation... and the comfort, still, in those small familiar things.  That final stanza is perfect in capturing it all.

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Posted in Definitely Not Just Another Dog Story

1 Vote

Ah, The Blind Beggar.  Oh,

Posted on Tue, 18 Jan 2022

Ah, The Blind Beggar.  Oh, the times...

Great memories, mate.


That scene where Ollie runs out in front of the fire engine and jumps in the back of the van - I watched that being filmed.  It took six takes over about 40...

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Posted in Things I Did On My Day Off

1 Vote

Cassiopeia - 'the big double

Posted on Tue, 18 Jan 2022

Cassiopeia - 'the big double-you!'

One of the few constellations I can remember, because of the shape.

A first reading has resonated with my own thoughts at this time.  I may not be able to decode the images, but there's an...

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Posted in Fading of Legends

1 Vote

As long as you don't get

Posted on Tue, 18 Jan 2022

As long as you don't get shouted at for writing in English!  Unlikely, I'd think wink

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Posted in Poking James MacGuigan’s Pig

1 Vote

A fine piece of folklore, it

Posted on Tue, 18 Jan 2022

A fine piece of folklore, it sounds!

'I suspect it's the Reverend Ian Paisley.'

Hahaha!  Never! Never! Never!

This made me smile this morning

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Posted in Poking James MacGuigan’s Pig
