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I have 101 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 172867 times and 117 of my stories have been cherry picked.
43 of my 454 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 49 votes

HarryC's picture
Kevin Marman

Care worker, writer, memester, autist, dissenter.

I like people who not only think outside the box, but reshape the box into something else!

I've been writing since I was 10.  It's my sanctuary - though the structure often needs maintenance.  Over the last twenty or so years, I've won some writing prizes (nothing major) for short fiction, poetry and playwriting.  In 2013, I published my first novel, 'In the Day'.  Looking at it now, I can see all sorts of things I would change - but I suppose that shows progress.  I also have a collection of short fiction, 'Still Life', available for Kindle.

In 2015, at the grand age of 56, I was finally diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Condition (Asperger's).  I live alone with my cat, Daisy, and lots of books.

My stories


Winterkill 1

An old horror story of mine, from a few years back. Posted before, but in a slightly different form. Trying to re-work it.
Gold cherry

Last Things

I wrote this story and posted it several years ago. But I'm reposting it because I feel it may help people in these difficult times we're living through. Keep your hopes alive, my friends.

Sacred Shirts (2)

We come to where the smoke’s rising – and ain’t this just as cute as you like. This guy’s got a tepee here, all set, fire going, chairs out, dock...

Sacred Shirts (1)

I had this delivery job one time. I’d go into the depot in the morning, load up the truck, get out, get back, load up again. 3 loads a day. Just...

In The 7/11 Store, Bel Air

A little dated now... but I just love the idea of Hollywood A-listers going shopping in the corner store at night... Tom ’ s cruising down by the...


43 of my comments have received 49 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Thanks, everyone.

Posted on Sat, 06 Oct 2018

Thanks, everyone.

Indeed, I could have added.... had I not been a member of ABCTales... had I not first heard about the site from a friend... had I not started writing in the first place...

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Posted in How writing (and a cat called Daisy) may have saved my life...

1 Vote

Hello again, Di,

Posted on Sat, 29 Sep 2018

Hello again, Di,

Every autistic person is unique with what they can and cannot do.  We have a savant at work who can tell you the day of the week that you were born on, but he can't tie his shoe laces and he has the emotional age of a 6-...

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Posted in A Martian in the Closet

1 Vote

Hope it could be helpful for

Posted on Sat, 29 Sep 2018

Hope it could be helpful for you, Di.

Parents can be so cruel.  What on earth is the father worried about?  That his kid will grow up being thought of as 'retarded'?  Does he not realise the potential harm he could do?  Would he put a cat...

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Posted in A Martian in the Closet

1 Vote

This captures how I'm feeling

Posted on Sun, 30 Sep 2018

This captures how I'm feeling myself, Jane.  I love this time of year... but I miss the summer, too.  I especially liked the final stanza:

Put away summer

Seal the songs and colours

In a box, to leaven...

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Posted in Put Away Summer

1 Vote

Wonderful!  Never lose that

Posted on Sun, 30 Sep 2018

Wonderful!  Never lose that inner child.  I doubt you will, though smiley

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Posted in Inner Child

1 Vote

Love it - especially that

Posted on Sat, 29 Sep 2018

Love it - especially that second stanza.  I well remember my ex and I looking askance at one another when James Naughtie on the Today programme introduced a certain Culture Secretary!

Succinctly and poignantly put.  Had me nodding...

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Posted in This Is Love

1 Vote

I like this.  An interesting

Posted on Sat, 29 Sep 2018

I like this.  An interesting analogy.  Those sudden blow-outs, too.  And I've never found a puncture outfit that's worked for love.

New loves, though?  New tyres?  There can still be hope.  So, maybe not a 'sad' poem, but a reflective one...

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Posted in A Sad Poem

1 Vote

I can't believe I overlooked

Posted on Sat, 22 Feb 2014

I can't believe I overlooked leaving a comment on this, Hespera - maybe because everyone had said it all.  But still...

Scratch is right: it's utterly convincing.  So much about it rang true for me on a personal level.  That sense of the...

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Posted in 03.02.2014 - The Noose*

1 Vote

Good, Jess.  Well... not bad!

Posted on Fri, 14 Mar 2014

Good, Jess.  Well... not bad!  I like this piece.  I hope you're going to post more.  Write from the heart, mate - it's where the best stuff comes from

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Posted in Mental Illness

1 Vote

I like the way you bring

Posted on Mon, 17 Mar 2014

I like the way you bring these things together, Bee: a casual phone conversation about the trivia of ordinary life, bringing us up with a shock to that final final line.  To be honest, I hadn't taken much notice of the title until I'd...

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Posted in Suicide Notes
