
stories that i have to write in order to remain sane

Her Hero, His Hero

Ten years later they finally get thir chance to tell each other their true feelings. ... just not in the setting they thought...

Beyond Judgement Day

Stragglers, outsiders. The ones left behind. Only a handful, but a handful too many. Heaven didn’t take them and Hell didn’t want them. Left on Earth, these lonesome few. Left to wonder.

To Change The Future

To change the future...

Her Past, His Future

What do you do when you fall in love with a killer?... What if you are the killer?

Title To Come

In a class the size of a small football team, you’d think even the most shy person could find a friend. Or even just somebody to talk to.


You know how an F5 tornado can be devestating? try putting that in the body of a woman who has never been alive...

Love Divine

In the hopes of making myself happier, I began injecting penicillin for every ache and pain at the age of thirteen.


Do you know how people say they wish they were in an alternate world? Then float...

My Dream, Her Man

Wake up, push a broom. Same thing, day in day out. Nothing ever changes. And yet, nothing ever stays the same.

Inhuman Bond

When a super computer is created to join the world in technology, they find themselves hostage. It is up to two people to save humanity from annihilation.

My Darling Clementine

The wind of the night howled through the trees and nipped at the back of Clementine’s neck as she walked. Strange noises surrounded her, glowing eyes followed her every move.

My Man Is...

Sweet; knows how to make me laugh at the perfect times. Understands that there are some things that are hard for me, and that reassuring me doesn’t always work; I need to do some stuff on my own.

The Little Ghost That Sat All Alone

The chill in the air seemed oddly inviting to the little ghost that sat all alone. Being without skin, the ghost could actually feel the breeze blow through him.