Anna Marie

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I have 52 stories published in 6 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 47241 times and 20 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Anna Marie's picture
Anna Marie


My stories

Before Sleep

Flash fiction piece of what happens in the moments right before the protagonist falls asleep. Secret in the collection.

In Midnight Rain

Written at work. Entire haiku Piece: Weak lips, jello legs Tumbling with parasol Faltering through streets

Time Travel

We spent a majority of the day drenched in each other; we lied on the couch, legs and arms intertwined.

Delving into Kay

The first time I kissed her it was in the back of a dive bar and we were both drunk off of lust and shooters. I was intoxicated with her aroma, a mixture of lilacs and cigarettes...

Passionate Tomb

Just a little something about a couple. So vague it hurts.
