Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is Wild Side.

I hope it stirs some ideas and look forward very much to reading them

Wishing everyone a good week!

Inspiration point

Helping Recall?

Some have strong eidetic memory (photographic) – useful for Kim’s game and for ‘ Where is my key?’ (viewing detail of places seen); some use mnemonic...

emperor's new clothes

Invisible fresh air is cut and sewn when whistles, chirps and warbles sweetly shear off from sky's roll of space, as silk ribon freed, catches light...

A sweeping saga remembered!

We were living in a tied-cottage (just a house really!) but it came with the job, and come the end of term, my husband brightly suggested he’d … where had the brush stuck?!

The Coming of Spring

The first sliver of golden sun reaches past the clouds that blanket the sky, to kiss the ground with its warm touch.

Chutes of Spring

*/ Freshet chill blue ceiling full clouds uncoil loosedrops cold spool, pool till slow supple surface slope-called, slips dimples ripple, demure...
