
All the stories and poems which are based on events in my life


The Great Game . Kabul 1839 and 1979.

This is a trues story, the facts have only been altered to protect my memory. And from my brief sojourn in Afghanistan I came away with both a love of the country and its people, and a deep seated belief that it would be folly for any other nation to become involved with its affairs.


This was a true story (the name has changed). For a twenty year old it was National Service by conscription, the yearly intake chosen by birthdays. (Image courtesy of Wikemedia Commons)


A vivid childhood memory. My father was a coal miner who'd had a hard life, and along the way he missed out on expressing emotions.
Gold cherry

Rain in Kalgoorlie

Reading some of the poems, and just walking around our village, reminds me of how much we associate rain as a winter condition; that prompted me to find this old poem, to give an aternative, where rain (as I well remember) is a god-send. (Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

The Novice

This was the first poem that came to me, twenty seven years ago, while I was living in a Benedictine community. It is partly autobiographical (Romeo was an actual rooster), though set in a much earlier time - before Henry VIII did his worst.

Ralph Monkton Lives!

Okay, a bit of cheek, as in not being quite a nonce word, but I may be forgiven for inventing a nonce character, who has at times since come in handy. This is a (mostly) a true story, the facts have only been changed to enhance poetic licence.