Inspiration point (IP)

For this week's Inspiration Point I'm giving you one word: food. I look forward to seeing what you manage to cook up with that smiley

Inspiration point


We left them out on the windowsill – me and Pippa – piles of breadcrumbs, and crusts, maybe a few vegetable peelings. The sun would be setting, and...

A Distant Twinkle for Mary

I chose my Christmas gift 25 years before I was born. I chose wisely. On that day, Mary Keenan, who had just arrived bag and baggage in Rochester,...


My grandmother was eighty-four when she gave me the box. It was musty and dog-eared, and held together with masking tape. And in it: a collection of...


I love about her that she’s perfect. A tight little ball of rightness, no taller than my thigh. But already: she has this magic in her. Put her in...
Gold cherry
Pick of the Month


All I want for Christmas is words. Just a scatter of words. Just a handful. I find my eyes drawn back towards the phone on the wall in the hallway –...
