Ed Crane

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I have 245 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 301892 times and 245 of my stories have been cherry picked.
192 of my 1,939 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 201 votes

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My stories

Gold cherry

All That Glitters . . . . .

I bought myself a big flat-screen TV, with HDMI, so I could see the world more clearly.
Gold cherry

X-Ray and I

Strange thing, life. A man can change dramatically as he gets old: go bald; get fat; wrinkle like a prune, shrink to a dwarf and a lot of other things. But there’s always something that don’t change.

A Short Break

Tenerife's 'andsome innit.

3am This Morning

The road surface outside my window is satin varnished from the aftermath of a billion tiny water bombs dropped by a passing thunderstorm. Its fading...


Happy Daze
