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I have 42 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 62679 times and 27 of my stories have been cherry picked.
13 of my 149 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 13 votes

Ladylily's picture
Geraldine Douglas

My stories


Dance of Summer.

Ruffled clouds spill diamond raindrops, d rizzled over breaths of Summer, as ghosts of dying gales shiver, naked in no-man’s land. The sky’s blue...

Bumble's Delight.

Nymphs worship beneath shadows of mustard Lilies, their cups filled with odours of woodland dew. Each petal spills gold, as echoes of pearled morning...

Freya, Queen of Spring.

Anthea, Goddess of flowers, crowns Freya, the honourable Queen of Spring. Cherished by all, mother to God’s creation. Her soul spills colours unknown...

Lancelot's Lament.

Thou purest, deepest heart, death summons us to part. Sulphur pollen, once gold, now a bud-less story told. Crimson slashed lime-lands of grass,...
Gold cherry

Queen Cordelia's Lament.

I silently slumber beneath tired air as sounds of sourness mediate rhythms to my shattered heart. Our rainbow’s edge pierced, I fell to sodden earth...


13 of my comments have received 13 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote


Posted on Thu, 25 Jan 2018

Christmas isn't what it seems to be for many. Good compassionate poem.

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Posted in Chasing the Spirit

1 Vote

A good discriptive...

Posted on Tue, 23 Jan 2018

A good discriptive piece. Brilliant rhyme. Your poem tells me your love of nature is ten-fold and the love of your life will never die...lovely!

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Posted in Thoughts Of Love

1 Vote


Posted on Wed, 17 Jan 2018

Spot-On with January and her mourning doves and chickadee's. A good descriptI've piece. Nice to look at snow through windows. Not had a lot in Bolton, but, there's time.

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Posted in Snowflakes

1 Vote

Then we wonder...

Posted on Tue, 09 Jan 2018

Then we wonder why there are so many if us who suffer depression, alienation, loneliness, I could go on. There are many good folk in this world, who do not judge...but, the ignorant slide in and out of our lives, with their head screwed up,...

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Posted in The Dream

1 Vote

Lovely poem!

Posted on Sun, 05 Feb 2017

Lovely, lovely poem Rhiannonw. Written expertly. Rhyme spot-on. Well structured.

Our kind actions will be awarded...and as long as the Lark sings we will thrive along our journey. 

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Posted in Gifts Unvalued

1 Vote

Written well!

Posted on Tue, 31 Jan 2017

Written well.  Rhyme superb. A gem of a poem. 

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Posted in That Myth!

1 Vote

Full of creation

Posted on Thu, 08 Mar 2012

Your litle poem says much.  Alliteration blooms every where.

Dancing with life.     Regards Geraldine. x

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Posted in A gorse seed

1 Vote

Lovely poem.

Posted on Sat, 28 Jan 2017

lovely poem once again Rhiannonw. ...few catkins shaking open...good line...

...dry stick this.   sounds like a beautiful area.

Thank you for your comment on my lastest poem. my poems mainly come from my imagination,...

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Posted in Still January around White Castle, Monmouthshire

1 Vote

Beautifully written

Posted on Sun, 22 Jan 2017

Beautifully written. Rhyme superb.  Some gorgeous  lines Rhiannon. Thank you much for your lovely comments on my poems.  Geraldine. 

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Posted in New Life Fruit

1 Vote

Gorgeous winter poem. Full of

Posted on Tue, 27 Dec 2016

Gorgeous winter poem. Full of creativity. Written expertly. Rhyme perfect. Love it! 

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Posted in On Winter Bleakness
