Miguel De La Cruz

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I have 29 stories published in 6 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 28578 times 3 of my 30 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

Miguel De La Cruz's picture

If you'd like to contact me, idsuggestioned@gmail.com

My stories

Lying In Wait

As the days pass by, i sit here and lie. I lie in wait, a change in fate. Overdue to life as to being so late, so is the life of a hopeless romantic...

A Knight In The Apocalypse

Chapter Four: A Knights Descent To A King’s Pawn. Riot took several hours, but she also had one mission: To deliver Simon food and water. He was only...

A Knight In The Apocalypse

Chapter Three: Inside the Knight’s fortress. Steven had finally arrived at the destination, which happened to be a Wally-Mart. Everyone began to wake...

Just wait...

many times you say life isn't fair, but you have to play with the hand you've been dealt. we lean in closer but you don't dare, and the heat of...

I Dream Of Her

I had a dream of her again, the girl I adore and wanted to be more than friends, I tried to get over her but i still love her in the end. Its no use...
