Miguel De La Cruz

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I have 29 stories published in 6 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 28329 times 3 of my 30 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

Miguel De La Cruz's picture

If you'd like to contact me, idsuggestioned@gmail.com

My stories

The Songstress' Lore of Lies

The Songstress' Lore of Lies Chapter One Walking to a school that I don't give two shits about, is not my idea of "Fun." Pulling an all nighter isn't...

Antonio Solar: Origins of an Empire

Antonio Solar: Origins of an Empire Chapter Six I had always anticipated my enemy bursting through my metal gates. BOOM! A beautiful sound to these...

Antonio Solar: Origins of an Empire

Antonio Solar: Origins of an Empire Chapter Five In the year 2020, Spain invaded mexico. How lucky for me, and unfortunate for Reyes. [New] Nuevo...

Antonio Solar: Origins of an Empire

Antonio Solar: Origins of an Empire Chapter four I hate leaving lose ends, so it seems that I must continue. We were miles away from our base and...

A Knight In The Apocalypse

A knight In The Apocalypse Chapter Six Assault on the fortress Reports of enemy movement came as quickly as lightning. I still could not believe the...
