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I have 10 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 26505 times and 7 of my stories have been cherry picked.
4 of my 190 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 5 votes

RJF's picture
Rachel Stirling


My collections

My stories


Flesh and Blood (For 'Woke Up This Morning' Comp.)

Woke up this morning with a boil on my toe. It’s an unusual place to find a boil but that’s what it was. At least, that’s what it looked like. It was...

Woke Up This Morning

Woke up this morning feeling fit as a fiddle. That was a nice surprise because most mornings I felt dreadful. I lay in bed for a while enjoying the...

The end of the line

Carly stepped into the carriage and sat down. She’d had a horrible journey. She was surprised to find the carriage empty, but then it was late and...

I know why

When the police knocked on his door he wept. They were real tears. The police sat down with him, comforted him. They told him he mustn’t feel...

In the name of the Father

The loss of her Father was devastating; she could hardly believe it had been nearly five years. She missed him every day but Jack had been wonderful...


4 of my comments have received 5 Great Feedback votes

2 Votes

Bee, I havent been on ABC for

Posted on Mon, 18 May 2015

Bee, I havent been on ABC for ages ad now I have sat and read all you latest poems and prose in one go and I am absolutely stunned at your talent and your strength and the way you tell your story with a touch of humour as well as revealing the...

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Posted in The Waiting Room

1 Vote

Phewf. I just read this and

Posted on Tue, 17 Feb 2015

Phewf. I just read this and am joining the discussion late. You’ve certainly opened a can of well moisturised worms Blighters! Being a Pisces (joking, or maybe not) I can see both sides, Bee is absolutely right that applying make-up in your youth...

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Posted in The death of beauty

1 Vote

Deliciously gruesome and

Posted on Sun, 18 May 2014

Deliciously gruesome and surreal, very much enjoyed this. RJF

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Posted in Balance