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I have 26 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 65167 times and 24 of my stories have been cherry picked.
20 of my 392 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 21 votes

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'...little tales of love, loss and regrets...'

My stories


Heart Songs ( Poetry Monthly )

…I lit a candle today in memory of you I remember the bed of Marram grass on hot shifting sands your head gentle on my heart shush… you said I hear a...

Heart Songs ( Poetry Monthly

apply no CPR or defibrillator take this heart of mine give to another squeeze it please it make it sing songs full of joy let it hum along the notes...

Sunday Lunch

Howard hissed in exasperation at the fly hovering above the dining table. The napkin flicked at the unwelcome guest missed, snapping the fragile stem...


…up on the roof illegal highs and dreams of flying wrapped in blue tarp Icarus fuelled on fentanyl leaps towards a dark moon probation tag check on 2...


three soiled and torn mattresses crumpled against a wall a triptych of bedsit DNA awaiting incineration ethnic cleansing the stains of humanity a...


20 of my comments have received 21 Great Feedback votes

2 Votes

Hello sand lady.

Posted on Wed, 10 Dec 2014

Hello sand lady.

A late dip into your tales (login probs) and what a delight to read this knitted yarn.

A proper jumper I say whatever the label tells you


ps  When are you to be seen wearing  the  Christina...

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Posted in Always Read the Label

1 Vote

Agree with insert re the word

Posted on Tue, 06 Mar 2018

Agree with insert re the word count and how you were treated.  I dispair when people have to fight their way through bureaucracy. Let the CAB help you next time

Send in more soon


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Posted in Daniel 2016.

1 Vote

I enjoyed this little beach

Posted on Tue, 28 Nov 2017

I enjoyed this little beach scene, very theraputic I thought.

I'm fortunate to overlook the sea and often wander along the beach when its really quiet and deserted.

This also reminds me that when I'm next in Scotland to stop off and...

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Posted in The Beach

1 Vote

First time for me in reading

Posted on Mon, 18 Jan 2016

First time for me in reading your tales AE.  I did learn the meaning of "...sentience..."

ps  Can I suggest you condense ( only a suggestion)the text with less line breaks.  For me it makes for easier  read 

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Posted in A Priori

1 Vote

swarming stars and " be

Posted on Sat, 16 Jan 2016

swarming stars and " be with my daughter one of these tumbling days..." 

a lovely memory to cherish.

best wishes sandlady

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Posted in Beginners, Please...

1 Vote

Lots and lots I liked in this

Posted on Tue, 01 Dec 2015

Lots and lots I liked in this one sand lady.

Plus two new words for me "...ambergris..."  and  "...Sara-Orange-Tip..."

And I have been privileged to witness  "...a murmuration of a million starlings..."...

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Posted in What Am I?

1 Vote

I hope this piece isn't what

Posted on Thu, 19 Nov 2015

I hope this piece isn't what I think it is.

Abuse and the cover up presented to the children  "...Silly daddy I will say..."

A false front pretending all is well

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Posted in Happy families

1 Vote

For lots of reasons this is a

Posted on Sat, 23 May 2015

For lots of reasons this is a real delight to read sand lady.

Thought provoking I thought.

Kind regards

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Posted in Poem Unread

1 Vote


Posted on Sat, 16 May 2015


"...I know that you keep some rooms  Closed..."

That's me hiding behind the barn door.

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Posted in The Therapy

1 Vote

Next time I'm walking in the

Posted on Sun, 03 May 2015


Next time I'm walking in the hills and pause to drink from a stream, I shall think of this poem and save a few drops to sip later


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Posted in Where wild water flows
