Inspiration point (IP)

It's a privilege to come up with Inspiration Points for ABC. Less so when you have to follow the absolutely brilliant one we've had for the past couple of weeks. 

Anyway, here we go. This time, please give us a poem or story where a item of clothing is central to the plot, mood, place or character. I look forward to seeing the results! 

Inspiration point

Thought Bubble

If you're not comfortable with where you are, you can do something to change it. You have a choice here. You're the one who created the thoughts. So, re-create them. If you're confronted with a situation you don't like, re-frame it or shift your focus.


I hear there is snow in old Blighty, A calamity, Oh gawd almighty! What will the Brits do When their noses turn blue As the Goddess of love Aphrodite She was born of the sea, don’t you know
