Inspiration point (IP)

It's a privilege to come up with Inspiration Points for ABC. Less so when you have to follow the absolutely brilliant one we've had for the past couple of weeks. 

Anyway, here we go. This time, please give us a poem or story where a item of clothing is central to the plot, mood, place or character. I look forward to seeing the results! 

Inspiration point

Love is the Key

Life is like a river flowing ever flowing never really knowing what lies around the bend Beginning at birth the river of life gets wider and wider as time goes by As the stream widens

Breaking the Mould

He watches her sleeping. 'Peas in a pod', they’d been...

Short & Snappy

I'll keep it short & snappy, That way you'll be happy, Else you could get bored, Don't want that dear Lord! So now can I have a big clappy?
