Inspiration point (IP)

It's a privilege to come up with Inspiration Points for ABC. Less so when you have to follow the absolutely brilliant one we've had for the past couple of weeks. 

Anyway, here we go. This time, please give us a poem or story where a item of clothing is central to the plot, mood, place or character. I look forward to seeing the results! 

Inspiration point

Open Your Eyes: Open Your Mind

"There are two ways we react when new information is received: we either change our mind or alter the facts. One method can be scary but the other is downright dangerous."

No Man an Island (IP)

Media brilliant lifestyles flaunt, and peers tease and taunt, boast their jollity, popularity, and depress those feeling they have less, unaware those thrills illusory, elusive,

Be not a soggy cigarette

Be all that you can be so I was told,long ago be not a soggy cigarette in a flame gone cold Keep warm within your package stoke the fire,light the lamp snuggle up within your wrapper

The Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder (IP)

… if such a fading face should smile, just like a Cheshire Cat a disembodied mouth profile we’d see – who’d fancy that?! …
