Deliberately Evolving

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I have 106 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 245303 times and 84 of my stories have been cherry picked.
46 of my 872 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 46 votes

Deliberately Evolving's picture
Holly Fisher

A performance poet and protégée of the late Bee – a beautiful poet and former editor on ABC Tales. #seeabeethinkofme

My stories


The moon in the man

Your heart is the moon and mine the tide. A compelling might stretching oceans wide Such powerful force between the two I'm moved to and fro each day...

To my best friend

To my best friend You often know what's on my mind. Sometimes... I'm being ridiculous, I know, but you don't care - because most of the time I'm...

Panic attack

Shouldn't be here. I'm in the way. Abandoned. Alone, crowd of people... talking. Heat. Adrenaline - tension, chest tight, choked. Want to run, frozen...


...It's nice to see a friendly face, a genuine smile made just for you. Creases round the eyes that appear when you do, a private twinkle in the eye...

The damn dog rap

Performance piece - listen via the link.
