I have 377 stories published in
3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 682917 times
and 475 of my stories have been cherry picked. 481 of my 2,622 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 509 votes
I love Joanne, sometimes she can be insightful and clever especially when it comes to people, she is intuitive and capable of picking apart people’s...
‘You look kind of menacing?’ ‘Oh really, tell me more…’ ‘That long proboscis thing, It’s rather like a sword.’ ‘It’s for getting at the nectar In the...
481 of my comments have received 509 Great Feedback votes
1 Vote
Cold and beautiful. The
Posted on Sat, 24 Aug 2019
Cold and beautiful. The Little Matchstick Girl must be one of saddest stories, I love this twist on it because you've kept it clean yet adorned with imagery.
Really interesting piece Di_Hard. These lines: 'use science to rock to and fro' and 'if we think we're at the top it's because others hold us up' particularly stand out. It all seems so precarious doesn't it, all it would take is a mad person...
I enjoyed the way the grass stalks run like threads through this poem and the way it highlights the complexities in nature which we take for granted every moment. Those black beetles appear this time of year don't they, incongruously huge and...
Hi, thank you for your comment onemore. There is so much inspiration you can take from travellers in all their forms, the transport and all the etiquette and frustration.
It truly is amazing isn't it Rhiannon. The butterfly life cycle and all those eels toing and froing to the Sargasso sea back to the Thames, the mind boggles. 'Some things beyond comprehension lie' for sure and the more we find out the more...
This is so atmospheric, mostly grey in colour like all your writing but this isn't bleak, it has fresh air and the edges of nature hardening the characters. It would make a wonderful play but it's wonderful to read too. Full of clever phrases...
Wow, this is really terrifying like a nightmare. It reminds me of The Pied Piper of Hamlyn but perhaps much worse because of the reality of our environment and the possibility of irreversible change. Trains and stations with young children are...
Lovely piece Rhiannon. I enjoyed the way you describe their beauty in yellow shades and also how you point out that they serve as a warning to the water's edge often hidden, I'd never thought of them like that. They are a very classy plant.
I enjoyed the intertwining of the natural and the supernatural here Jenny and you've included so many elements from stars in the sky to the underwater plant life. The result is dreamy and full of magic.
Cold and beautiful. The
Posted on Sat, 24 Aug 2019
Cold and beautiful. The Little Matchstick Girl must be one of saddest stories, I love this twist on it because you've kept it clean yet adorned with imagery.
Read full commentPosted in Buyers market
Really interesting piece Di
Posted on Tue, 03 Sep 2019
Really interesting piece Di_Hard. These lines: 'use science to rock to and fro' and 'if we think we're at the top it's because others hold us up' particularly stand out. It all seems so precarious doesn't it, all it would take is a mad person...
Read full commentPosted in wall
I enjoyed the way the grass
Posted on Sun, 28 Jul 2019
I enjoyed the way the grass stalks run like threads through this poem and the way it highlights the complexities in nature which we take for granted every moment. Those black beetles appear this time of year don't they, incongruously huge and...
Read full commentPosted in grass/july
Hi, thank you for your
Posted on Wed, 03 Jul 2019
Hi, thank you for your comment onemore. There is so much inspiration you can take from travellers in all their forms, the transport and all the etiquette and frustration.
Read full commentPosted in A Man Riding the Tube Train
You are categorically granite
Posted on Mon, 17 Jun 2019
You are categorically granite celticman.
Read full commentPosted in We are Rocks
It truly is amazing isn't it
Posted on Tue, 18 Jun 2019
It truly is amazing isn't it Rhiannon. The butterfly life cycle and all those eels toing and froing to the Sargasso sea back to the Thames, the mind boggles. 'Some things beyond comprehension lie' for sure and the more we find out the more...
Read full commentPosted in ???? …
This is so atmospheric,
Posted on Tue, 11 Jun 2019
This is so atmospheric, mostly grey in colour like all your writing but this isn't bleak, it has fresh air and the edges of nature hardening the characters. It would make a wonderful play but it's wonderful to read too. Full of clever phrases...
Read full commentPosted in Puddle of land
Wow, this is really
Posted on Tue, 04 Jun 2019
Wow, this is really terrifying like a nightmare. It reminds me of The Pied Piper of Hamlyn but perhaps much worse because of the reality of our environment and the possibility of irreversible change. Trains and stations with young children are...
Read full commentPosted in the train leaving now
Lovely piece Rhiannon. I
Posted on Thu, 23 May 2019
Lovely piece Rhiannon. I enjoyed the way you describe their beauty in yellow shades and also how you point out that they serve as a warning to the water's edge often hidden, I'd never thought of them like that. They are a very classy plant.
Read full commentPosted in Bog Brilliance
I enjoyed the intertwining of
Posted on Mon, 20 May 2019
I enjoyed the intertwining of the natural and the supernatural here Jenny and you've included so many elements from stars in the sky to the underwater plant life. The result is dreamy and full of magic.
Read full commentPosted in Somewhere Lake