Jane Hyphen

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I have 352 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 564582 times and 440 of my stories have been cherry picked.
444 of my 2,433 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 471 votes

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My stories


In the Bath

I’m always in the bath. Preferring my reflection all distorted on the taps. Preferring the wet water to the droughty winter air. I’m friendly with...

Parcel for You..Part 18

Spencer was staring intently out of the kitchen window, moving his head to focus on the treetops and then back down to the lawn. ‘Three blackbirds,’...

Productivity is Dead

Productivity is dead We should slow the hell down And enjoy being alive instead Bill Gates talking about AI The white collar workforce shrinking away...
Gold cherry
Poem of the week

We Watched from the Shore

We watched from the shore, is he really on board? There’s no sign of him on land or sea or yet behind this sealed sky. He is behind our eyes, as a...

Parcel for you..Part 17

Vanessa breathed a huge sigh of relief as Pat and Stu pulled away and disappeared down the street. Charlie trotted up to the front door and leaned...


444 of my comments have received 471 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Hi Jenny, of course I'm not

Posted on Wed, 17 Apr 2024

Hi Jenny, of course I'm not offended. Poetry should always be open to interpretation I think. I'm not sure exactly what the secret is myself but I felt it in the plants and flowers, they whispered to me, not in any language I could fully...

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Posted in In This Garden

1 Vote

This is delightful, Jenny. I

Posted on Tue, 16 Apr 2024

This is delightful, Jenny. I love mice, I actually saw one today, scurrying in a polytunnel., they do have important business to do. Segments of sun, yes, I want a whole orange sun for the whole day.

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Posted in Wild Side Of April

1 Vote

Thank you for your great

Posted on Sat, 13 Apr 2024

Thank you for your great comment, Di. Annie is one of those obliviously selfish people who look great on paper but in real life, leaves a trail of frayed nerves behind, especially the nervous system of their nearest and dearest. Spencer doesn't...

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Posted in Parcel for you...Part 23

1 Vote

Wow, that was like riding

Posted on Fri, 15 Mar 2024

Wow, that was like riding some rhyming river rapids, twists and turns, dunked then re-surfaced but fast flowing, dangerous in places. I agree with others, this should be performed because the little man who performs it inside my head doesn't do...

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Posted in More n'24

1 Vote

Love this, Jenny. It's like a

Posted on Sat, 30 Mar 2024

Love this, Jenny. It's like a massage. The drums played along with the words and those images from the natural world. It just works really well.

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Posted in Passion Of The Drums

1 Vote

Thank you for the cherries

Posted on Thu, 28 Mar 2024

Thank you for the cherries and your comment, Insert. Ha ha, maybe I can introduce Uncle Clive to Spencer..

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Posted in Erazofuge

1 Vote

This is very dark, lots of

Posted on Sun, 24 Mar 2024

This is very dark, lots of elements drawn together, colourful and restrained. It's got a lot of class.

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Posted in Swan Song

1 Vote

Really enjoyed. Boredom

Posted on Thu, 21 Mar 2024

Really enjoyed. Boredom broken by something she maybe shouldn't have been doing but the alternative was more stifling boredom and resentment. I love the way the spa showed her the way out and into something new. Life is too short after all.

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Posted in The Spa

1 Vote

Creative flow accompanied by

Posted on Thu, 21 Mar 2024

Creative flow accompanied by drowsiness and your ideas fold away into layers of dream clouds. Bizarrely I sometimes have amazing songs playing in my dreams but I don't write music and have no way of recording them, I don't really know where they...

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Posted in What's Not Written

1 Vote

Magical I agree and fitting

Posted on Wed, 20 Mar 2024

Magical I agree and fitting to its land of origin. I would love to visit, the gardens alone look wonderful. The idea of a Moon Maiden is more inspiring than the man on the moon or the idea of it being made of cheese.....

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Posted in The Moon Maiden
