Jane Hyphen

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I have 343 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 524383 times and 427 of my stories have been cherry picked.
424 of my 2,361 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 451 votes

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My stories


Parcel for you...Part 7

In the days that followed, Vanessa resolved to keep an open mind about her new spouse, a healthier mindset, free of jealousy and unrealistic...
Gold cherry

Parcel for you....Part 6

‘We can’t do it at the table!’
Gold cherry

Parcel for you....Part 5

Over the following few days, Vanessa, very occasionally and cautiously took Spencer out of ‘depressed man’ setting and engaged him in conversation...
Gold cherry

'Parcel for you...' Part 4

Vanessa put down the phone and stood behind Spencer, staring at the top of his head, light brown skin showing through the gaps in his thick dark hair...

Come to the Sports Hall

Words fired like quills and hair pulled sore at the root. Shins blackened in brute blows. Flesh hung out to dry in frigid shows of shame. Unchosen on...


424 of my comments have received 451 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Very original but the

Posted on Sun, 21 Jan 2024

Very original but the exchanges between members of this family group are fully relatable despite the fantasy quirks you've implemented. Where will this adventure go next?

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Posted in "Unwanted Magic" 2

1 Vote

A sad but ultimately

Posted on Fri, 19 Jan 2024

A sad but ultimately satisfying second part, Paul. So nicely done. I can imagine the silence in their house and the welcome presence of the cat wandering in. I suppose you have to make allowances for people's coping strategies in such sorrowful...

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Posted in Enoshima (Part Two of Two)

1 Vote

I couldn't agree more, Maxine

Posted on Wed, 17 Jan 2024

I couldn't agree more, Maxine. I get stressed about parking at the best of times so couple that with a trip to hospital and I would be experiencing a stomach-cramp inducing level of anxiety. There should be a free constant shuttle bus service...

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Posted in The Tickets, One Too Many!

1 Vote

This is easy to read, classy

Posted on Wed, 17 Jan 2024

This is easy to read, classy and sort of meditative. It's a perfect short story. Takes me back to very middle-class homes I visited as a child where people were cultured and ate food I'd never heard of and had original artwork on the walls. It...

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Posted in Enoshima (Part One of Two)

1 Vote

I'm not sure what that lot

Posted on Tue, 16 Jan 2024

I'm not sure what that lot are or if they're even just holograms, such if their disconnection from society.

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Posted in Parcel for you...Part 13

1 Vote

I really like this, Rhiannon.

Posted on Mon, 15 Jan 2024

I really like this, Rhiannon. It's easy to forget that farmers are up and out in all weathers, at all times helping nature along. Your words are soft and powerful here, much like the lamplight.

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Posted in Night Help

1 Vote

I too love, 'birdsong ballads

Posted on Tue, 09 Jan 2024

I too love, 'birdsong ballads on barest branches'. It's something I've been noticing this week, the birds are celebrating day length. Peace is the greatest thing we can hope for and some sort of rebalancing in our economy. New year's eve truly...

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Posted in January Panorama

1 Vote

I've been brainwashed, Di. I

Posted on Mon, 08 Jan 2024

I've been brainwashed, Di. I'm smoking a cigar in some long glistening loafers as we speak, no socks mind, just a hint of tanned ankle.

Thank you for reading and your great compliment x

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Posted in Make Millions in Two Minutes...

1 Vote

That took a dark turn. I

Posted on Wed, 03 Jan 2024

That took a dark turn. I honestly thought this was a gentle peice about the Northern Lights, The part about the man in white fedora attacking a couple and biting them, it happens (a lot in Wales apparently). Then all sorts of carnage unfolding...

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Posted in Abyss

1 Vote

A perfect storm in words. I

Posted on Wed, 03 Jan 2024

A perfect storm in words. I've just moved house and the sounds produced by the high winds are more alarming since I'm yet to figure out what's normal for the building. Awful damage for some out there. Let's hope for more peace and perhaps even...

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Posted in Storm
