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I have 1197 stories published in 6 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 2853206 times and 454 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2304 of my 18,229 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2375 votes

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skinner_jennifer's picture


My stories


Right Here In Contemplation

When reason takes a back seat, my room symbolizes transporting of imprinted essence, no need for any movement; pen travels, fingers guiding the way;...

Extraordinary Experience On The Bus

Dear diary...Monday 16 th January 2023. Just had to record this entry. I started off my bus ride into town as I normally do. Everything was as it...

Allowing Letting Go

Don't waver – observe the beat, monitor and feel sounds that cleanse motivation; stimulating action as hours – minutes – seconds swamp minds with...

Unexpected Birth Of A Poem

I sit here...wind and rain hard biting at my window, yet never allowing stirrings to take shape; with mind like those tangled weeds that have nowhere...

Walking In January

Memories accumulate, Meandering down Squelchy muddy trails Where naked branches Rise and fall, They speak freely To me of the past Through realms Of...


2304 of my comments have received 2375 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Hi Rhiannnon, I love the

Posted on Sat, 06 Jul 2024

Hi Rhiannnon, I love the Welsh language and could listen to it all day, it has a gentle flow which gives me a smile, I find it very therapeutic too, just like the beautiful places you visit. Suffering with hay fever and getting over being ill has...

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Posted in Bannau Brycheiniog**

1 Vote

Hi Turlough,

Posted on Fri, 05 Jul 2024

Hi Turlough,

this is such a great write, that I'm sure many can relate to. For me not so much the football, but spending every Sunday afternoon in the Beehive pub in Swindon listening to live musicians was far too tempting not to carry on...

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Posted in My Döner and Chide

1 Vote

Hi Jane,

Posted on Fri, 05 Jul 2024

Hi Jane,

I hate to say it, but I can see a real pattern evolving, where Spencer becomes too big for his boots and eventually Vanessa will no longer be in charge of her own life. It's scary to think that your story could come true because...

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Posted in Parcel for you...Part 28

1 Vote

I really feel for your friend

Posted on Wed, 03 Jul 2024

I really feel for your friend. Have been suffering really bad hay fever this summer, it's no fun because every time I go out it flares up, and even with the windows open, somehow the pollen gets in and leaves me feeling terrible. I'll certainly...

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Posted in Two.

1 Vote

Such a likeable little story

Posted on Tue, 02 Jul 2024

Such a likeable little story within your poem Rhiannon. The rhythm and rhyme are spot on too.


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Posted in Uncle Claus

1 Vote

Hi Maxine,

Posted on Wed, 03 Jul 2024

Hi Maxine,

I understand and really feel your frustration. It's like the world has gone crazy with these robots and A I. Makes you wonder what the future will have in store, it's terrifying.

Hope everything works out okay in the end...

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Posted in Crazy!!!

1 Vote

Hi Turlough,

Posted on Tue, 02 Jul 2024

Hi Turlough,

I see you don't hang around when it comes to getting on top of things that need doing. You are certainly an early bird working in the garden at 6.00am.

It's strange but for the first time both me and my partner are...

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Posted in Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

1 Vote

Some gripping descriptions of

Posted on Mon, 01 Jul 2024

Some gripping descriptions of the weather Turlough, can't imagine hail stones as big as mandarin oranges, that's a pretty scary scene.I hope you managed to clear the garden, I bet it's the last thing you needed at this time of year.


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Posted in Holiday on Ice

1 Vote

Things are really hotting up

Posted on Fri, 28 Jun 2024

Things are really hotting up now. I'm so enjoying your story Phil.

Keep em coming. ...

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Posted in Monday, Monday (Dead Reckoning series - Part 15)

1 Vote

Hi Jane,

Posted on Thu, 27 Jun 2024

Hi Jane,

your poem brings back memories of my mum back in the 1960s, especially in the lines:-

You're so lucky

To observe the scale of colours

Draw the octave of scents

into your lungs

To squeeze the...

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Posted in This Rose Garden
