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I have 1197 stories published in 6 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 2853182 times and 454 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2304 of my 18,229 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2375 votes

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skinner_jennifer's picture


My stories


Summer's Creation

Softly thinking... remaining in hush; needing to understand complexity of waiting, bringing suggestions of impressions to surface; allows me to...

Charms Of Dionysus

Maybe when it all began; insatiable cravings trembled on vintage grape, or perhaps Dionysus spirit was sprinting an intrepid caper rousing still air...

For The Love Of Village Life

Dear diary... From heart of Shire where I was born, no rush to grow away from black and white memories; those sinuous lanes I knew well, are now...
Gold cherry

Secrets Of A Green Man

Through soil wherever you need to go, slight curious impressions advance; roots emanating emotive kinship for descendants of forest floor. Green man'...

England's Harmony

I'll miss energy of Winter's bracing cold winds sweeping away cobwebs from summer's heatwave, bundled up warmly; off for a stroll in afternoon sun...


2304 of my comments have received 2375 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Hi Turlough,

Posted on Fri, 19 Jul 2024

Hi Turlough,

you have a sharp eye for threading words together to crate an impressive memoir of Eric's experience with Iceland.

I wonder if Eric would have eaten those fish fingers if he'd known where his wife got them from!


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Posted in Eric’s War

1 Vote

I like how you register the

Posted on Fri, 19 Jul 2024

I like how you register the little things that probably others don't even acknowledge. Stopping to really look and listen to every sound around you is well presented in this wonderful poem Paul.


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Posted in Rain at the Forest Cafe

1 Vote

Engaging and inventive as

Posted on Tue, 16 Jul 2024

Engaging and inventive as always Jane, with all the conflicting points of view.


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Posted in Parcel for you...Part 29

1 Vote

An irresistible read as

Posted on Fri, 12 Jul 2024

An irresistible read as always Phil.


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Posted in Words (Dead Reckoning series - Part 17)

1 Vote

I thought your message was

Posted on Fri, 12 Jul 2024

I thought your message was most deep and meaningful, it makes you realize how lucky we are to be here, and to be able to leave our mark as you said.

It certainly resonated with how I feel.


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Posted in Life

1 Vote

Hi Maxine,

Posted on Thu, 11 Jul 2024

Hi Maxine,

that sounds so weird and like you said very dangerous. I've never seen anything like that on the roads, hope it doesn't catch on and become a new craze.


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Posted in Ok, Now I Have Seen It All!!!!!!!

1 Vote

That last stanza really

Posted on Thu, 11 Jul 2024

That last stanza really brings home the meaning of your poem. Such s sad sequence of events leading to the downfall of the poor Natter Jack.

I had never heard of this folk lore tale before, so it was good to learn something new.


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Posted in Natterjack

1 Vote

Hi Paul,

Posted on Wed, 10 Jul 2024

Hi Paul,

I thought your story was imaginative and relevant to this news piece. I was intrigued by the  hallucinate dream sequence, it fitted in well with scenario they encountered.


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Posted in A Midsummer Night’s Dream

1 Vote

Great news to hear your

Posted on Sat, 06 Jul 2024

Great news to hear your washing machine is now fixed.


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Posted in Jack.

1 Vote

Your story lines are spot on

Posted on Fri, 05 Jul 2024

Your story lines are spot on as usual Phil. I like that you're keeping us guessing as to what has happened to Josiah and look forward to reading more of your story.


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Posted in Can't Get Used to Losing You (Dead Reckoning series - Part 16)
