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I have 1197 stories published in 6 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 2853249 times and 454 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2304 of my 18,229 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2375 votes

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skinner_jennifer's picture


My stories


Blackberry Moment

Dear diary... Recalling foraging along the woodland trail; where clearly on backdrop of diverse leaves, blackberries thread on limp hanging branches...

Window Of Light

Dear Summer Solstice arrives on Wednesday 21 st June 2023, I decided to celebrate with a poem. Softly solstice will arrive, sustain me...

Splendour Of The Woods

Through woodland in silence we ambled, nature's interlacing branches converging; traces of enchantment dressed to impress, drawn softly into shadows...

Silver Jubilee Lake

23 rd May 2023 Dear diary. Sauntering down to local lake at Silver Jubilee park, along nature's trail between coveted canopy; pollen particles sail...

Nature's Wonders

As dawn breaks through shifting sunlight; clouds slowly drift above pathway to yawning woods, where gentle nature calms the soul illuminating beauty...


2304 of my comments have received 2375 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Vivid painting in words how

Posted on Thu, 15 Aug 2024

Vivid painting in words how the harshness of reality can impact not only flowers but also our inner world.


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Posted in Conditions That Please or Displease Flowers

1 Vote

Hi Paul, we live in such

Posted on Wed, 14 Aug 2024

Hi Paul, we live in such scary times, it's enough to give a person nightmares. I don't follow any of the social media websites. Would much rather play some peaceful classical music late at night, I suppose I live in my own little world...not...

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Posted in Leviathan

1 Vote

I'm really enjoying your

Posted on Wed, 14 Aug 2024

I'm really enjoying your story. You had me hooked from the first chapter.

Looking forward to seeing what happens next.


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Posted in Chapter 5: Into the Blue

1 Vote

A perfect example of how we

Posted on Wed, 14 Aug 2024

A perfect example of how we use a garden, for all ages Rhiannon. 

Love the lines:-

a place for imagination 

to take wing.

That's how I feel.

Also those last four lines sum up your poem for me.


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Posted in A garden is …

1 Vote

I very much enjoyed reading

Posted on Mon, 12 Aug 2024

I very much enjoyed reading Luigi, It seems like you have the perfect surroundings to relax in, and it's validated by the cat from next door.

Jenny. xx

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Posted in Musings Among Flowering Bushes

1 Vote

I agree with Di, you've taken

Posted on Fri, 09 Aug 2024

I agree with Di, you've taken the storyline and set the scene for gripping intrigue as to where the characters will go next.

Looking forward to reading more.


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Posted in Missing You (Dead Reckoning series - Part 21)

1 Vote

I like how Spencer and

Posted on Sat, 10 Aug 2024

I like how Spencer and Lorenzo's characters were working for the good of humans. Let's hope those good qualities continue...though I feel there will be many more ups and downs.

Addictive reading as always Jane.


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Posted in Parcel for you..Part 32

1 Vote

I was so moved by this

Posted on Tue, 06 Aug 2024

I was so moved by this beautiful poem, each word is richly woven into nature's folklore, reminding me of times gone by and Victorian ladies in cottage gardens, where perfume fills the air, along with her wild flowers, and the lady is at one with...

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Posted in The lady poet in the wildflower garden

1 Vote

Hi Yutka,

Posted on Wed, 07 Aug 2024

Hi Yutka,

this was such a skilful, mesmerizing poem, that captures so many imaginative metaphores,

I especially liked that third stanza, but the whole poem was so poweful and well crafted.


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Posted in Secrets to the wind

1 Vote

I like the rhythm and rhyme

Posted on Mon, 05 Aug 2024

I like the rhythm and rhyme in the first part of this poem Rhiannon. You pick up on not only the heat of the summer, but also the high emotions all around the country. Anger doesn't get anyone anywhere as you describe.

We had a rain storm...

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Posted in In the summer heat
