White Dwarf

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I have 43 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 295869 times and 27 of my stories have been cherry picked.

White Dwarf's picture

My stories


Doxxed : a campaign for social justice

If James was pressed to describe the attitude of these three people he would have to say it was a curious mix between indignant and sympathetic...
Gold cherry

Malingee the Bush Ghost (I.P.)

Malingee click clacks Skip skrip skrape Stone on stone clip clops Two burning peepers pip peeping Knees of rock that knock Stay away from Malingee’s...

Role of men in the family

Great change in social ideology has taken place in the last thirty years. Up until the early 70s the role of the man in the family was clearly...

Job Search

What pain the ass to travel three hours to attend and 15 minute interview. The shoes I wore today have done a number on my heels.

Work Cover

Real men don't do OH&S
