Inspiration point (IP)

This week's Inspiration Point is 'remote'. Perhaps it's a person, perhaps it's a place. Explore the ways of being distant. I am looking forward to the many possible results! 

Inspiration point

Memories are made of this

I'm glad I commenced interviewing the residents of a small town in Finedon; it doesn't feel like six years since I began my project as a scribe

(IP) “I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! …

Who’d put their hope in a dead man? in disappointment, fear they ran. – But now, he lives! they're full of joy, and boldly speak, though threatened by those who their bodies can destroy.

The Waiting Game

The door slammed, echoing down the long hall. Sealing my fate. Trapping me in this box. This tiny ass room with this annoying ass man who asks too many damn questions.

Blazing tulips

I woke up with a painful nostalgia for tulips, with every muscle in my body aching to feel them. Haven’t seen those live in a million years. Being sick of the artificial ones that surround me.

Animal Quakas (I.P.)

An attempt at the I.P. A poem (of sorts) the letters E,R,N,P,Y prohibited. Difficult, or what?
