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I have 179 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 454670 times and 282 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1632 of my 5,335 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1676 votes

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Di_Hard's picture

My stories


part 11

A voice, deep and rumbly, but cosy, too, "HERE'S YOUR WAND, REGN!" , not loud, but it left no room for any other sound in Mary's head. She couldn't...

wheels to rotors

in the chrysalis of shock we change - made to fight for self respect or flight on wings of fear high above what once we held dear. All the DNA that...


In-dig O, Earth, our slow whirled world here, find waiting flowers of Love everlasting safe-kept all year for two weeks in May, every year whatever...
Gold cherry

butterfly moment

truants of moonlight soft as forgetting wings, pale, delicate flicker in arcs then fold, as hair-fine feet cling, taste star white wild garlic...

two men

Once upon a time there were two boys, born on different sides of the world. Both were poor, and both were clever and both were very lucky. One boy...


1632 of my comments have received 1676 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Oh Luigi, I hope this doesn't

Posted on Thu, 18 Jul 2024

Oh Luigi, I hope this doesn't happen often! I cook for just me quite a bit as I am the only vegan in our house. If you have an onion, a carrot, tinned tomatoes and baked beans, you might rinse out the sugary sauce the beans come in, and cut up...

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Posted in Cooking for One

1 Vote

Hullo Paul :0)

Posted on Sat, 22 Jun 2024

Hullo Paul :0) Have huge worries too, not just about genuine green land being built on, but also that the necessary affordable homes are no more likely to be built now than before, because they do not provide the same level of profit?
It is...

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Posted in "For, being green, there is great hope" (quote from Shakespeare's HENRY VI PART 2, ACT 3 SCENE 1)

1 Vote

Thankyou for sharing this

Posted on Wed, 10 Jul 2024

Thankyou for sharing this moment, Maxine :0) That was an interesting journey you had today, the stillness to appreciate beautiful designs of spider webs and the next, shock of one-wheeled motorbike racing off!!!

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Posted in The Creator.

1 Vote

Rhiannon, that sounds

Posted on Thu, 11 Jul 2024

Rhiannon, that sounds horrible! Remember you writing about tooth trouble in Covid, too. Though your poem is fun to read and makes light of what must have been a very grim experience, really glad you are pain free now!

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Posted in Extract!

1 Vote

I hope you had a lovely

Posted on Thu, 11 Jul 2024

I hope you had a lovely Birthday Jenny, and that this year for you is much, much, much better than last year! I loved the rich images and positivity in this poem, it is GREAT to read this new wonderful writing from you!

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Posted in Holding Onto My Desires And Dreams

1 Vote

Thankyou so much for your

Posted on Sat, 22 Jun 2024

Thankyou so much for your wonderful comment Paul, extremely well argued :0) Very sorry I did not realise you had made it, till this afternoon, and then when I did, internet stopped working again

Excellent point about Stone Henge being a...

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Posted in "For, being green, there is great hope" (quote from Shakespeare's HENRY VI PART 2, ACT 3 SCENE 1)

1 Vote

"just a child at the time and

Posted on Wed, 10 Jul 2024

"just a child at the time and didn’t understand a lot of what went on; only that it was captivating in a complicated way" exactly my memory of Midsummer Night's Dream, too :0) Vividly remember Queen Mab's billowing patchwork cloak, and the...

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Posted in A Midsummer Night’s Dream

1 Vote

Thankyou for your reply,

Posted on Sat, 06 Jul 2024

Thankyou for your reply, Maxine. Yes, he has started seeing a psychotherapist now, because of my son encouraging him but his friend is still very low, was rushed to hospital the other day. But my son is hoping that might be the turning point. It...

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Posted in Tom.

1 Vote

I loved the voice in this,

Posted on Fri, 05 Jul 2024

I loved the voice in this, and the thought of U2 and The Pogues and Thin Lizzy on a jukebox. How DO you carry three pints at once? I want a Guinness now :0)

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Posted in My Döner and Chide

1 Vote

Very beautiful Rhiannon,

Posted on Sat, 06 Jul 2024

Very beautiful Rhiannon, thankyou so much for sharing. And the photos are gorgeous too, you are great photographer as well!

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Posted in Bannau Brycheiniog**
