Terrence Oblong

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I have 851 stories published in 45 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 788492 times and 606 of my stories have been cherry picked.
21 of my 771 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 23 votes

Terrence Oblong's picture
Dave Clark


My stories


A hundred moments in autism - My own personal dress down Tuesday

An autist’s relationship with societal rules is complex. We don’t innately understand them the way a neurotypical does. Many autists learn to follow...

A hundred moments in autism - The Topless photo of Germaine Greer

Every few days I look at a topless photo of Germaine Greer. It is a common trait among autists to return to a favourite piece of music over and over...
Gold cherry

A hundred moments in autism - Maths

Autists get into trouble. We don’t mean to, but we can be too honest, too abrupt, say the wrong thing, or, all too often for no reason whatever. From...

A hundred moments in autism - Terrence Oblong gets mistaken for the Messiah

In my first week at university I am standing in a bar at a student night when two young men I’ve never met before walk up to me, prostrate themselves...

A hundred moments in autism - Fashion

Fashion is one of these super neurotypical (NT) skills that are seemingly picked up by magic. Other kids at school always knew what to wear, what was...
