Inspiration point (IP)

For this week's Inspiration Point I'm giving you one word: food. I look forward to seeing what you manage to cook up with that smiley

Inspiration point


An Unbirthday Treat

He couldn’t scream. As ever it was soon over. Swift. Quick. Clean. *** It's my favourite night of the year. After waking from my afternoon nap I am...

In The Calm Of Understanding

In The Calm Of Understanding I could scream… Or maybe heave a heavy sigh I could cry Or maybe dry my eye I could roar Or hush and die I could scream...

From the Grave

There, in his doorway, she was. Staring emotionlessly at him, With eyes made of glass, Black to the very rim. He may have swept her into his tender...

"Would she notice?"

He looked at the door and wondered, if he left her would she stop him, would she even notice? He didn’t think so. She sat absorbed in her novel, her...
