big stu

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I have 47 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 19315 times 1 of my 13 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

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Stuart Cameron

My stories

No pressure!

Summary: This is for today's ladies who ( I think ) have a tough job keeping their men happy. No pressure to just lose some weight And shed a pound...

Fishy - methinks!

This lad from the sticks was a Pisces With many ridiculous vices The results were just dire When he dared to enquire From the ladies - could they...

Sweet ladies of the stars

These ladies i've known in my time All fair but unique in their way To me they were simply sublime All part of lifes' rosy bouquet Now Samantha was...


It's funny how people pass by When I mention all things Gemini They think i'm a chancer When I talk about Cancer And conclude it's all pie in the sky!

Don't give up ( thanks JK Rowling )

When rejection is so hard to take And your heart , I'm afraid , surely break Take a leaf from her book Show them all, you're no fluke Make your...


1 of my comments has received 1 Great Feedback vote

1 Vote

The night watch

Posted on Mon, 07 Dec 2015

Very funny- liked this a lot. Especially the bit at the end about 'game changing' - very clever!

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Posted in AlterNativity - Part 1 - The Night Watch