Jane Hyphen

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I have 343 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 524466 times and 427 of my stories have been cherry picked.
424 of my 2,363 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 451 votes

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My stories

Gold cherry

Parcel for you..Part 26

By the time Vanessa got back to the house she was beginning to have a niggling feeling that she might live to regret inviting Spencer into her bed...

Parcel for you.. Part 25

‘Oh, we might have to try and scrub that off,’ ‘Why Mum? It suits him, don’t you think it suits him?’ Vanessa stared at her daughter, she was always...
Gold cherry


It had turned out to be a beautiful sunny afternoon, a bit windy but the wind was warmer, coming from the South now, blowing a constant stream of...

Have you ever had a pair of pants?

Have you ever had a pair of pants? Underpants that is A pair that don’t wear out at all But keep their youthful looks, endure For ten or fifteen...

Parcel for you...Part 24

Vanessa passed a long, uncomfortable night. She couldn’t escape the sounds of her daughter, rifling through bags, stomping to the bathroom and back...


424 of my comments have received 451 Great Feedback votes

2 Votes

Hi Rhiannon, these nature

Posted on Wed, 16 Oct 2019

Hi Rhiannon, these nature poems you write are so professional now and this is no exception. There's so much texture and the way you extend beyond the visual confines of the scene, 'enjoying the expanse as if they could fly' because that's how it...

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Posted in The Long Mynd, Shropshire (12/10/19)

2 Votes

What a descriptive snap shot

Posted on Tue, 07 May 2019

What a descriptive snap shot of the sea and its natural surroundings. I love the way you've included sound in this, the gentle booming, also the scent - of seaweed and of course the coastal flowers so beautiful at this time of year. 

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Posted in Arrival – Evening Wander

2 Votes

I have teens and you've

Posted on Sat, 01 Dec 2018

I have teens and you've articulated the current situation so well. There's a huge problem with drugs too, they're dirt cheap and used in the same way we used alcohol. The pressures, choices, the constant scrutiny, exposure to everything too...

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Posted in When Death Comes Too Soon

2 Votes

I really enjoy these nature

Posted on Fri, 23 Nov 2018

I really enjoy these nature poems Rhiannon, partly because they focus on our native flora and fauna. In urban areas we are often surrounded by plants from all over the world which look pretty of course but lack the subtle balance of nature which...

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Posted in Ross on Wye and Chase Wood 15/11/18

2 Votes

I am 41 and I'm crying

Posted on Sun, 09 Aug 2015

I am 41 and I'm crying because I can't concentrate enough to write and this is really good and catchy and true. If only there were no more reasons to cry after seventeen!

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Posted in Problems

1 Vote

This is so clever, Rhiannon,

Posted on Fri, 26 Jul 2024

This is so clever, Rhiannon, the idea of a ballroom dress upon the dancefloor of their huge leaves. You've got Begonias spot on and they don't get tired either, do they. 

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Posted in Begonia …

1 Vote

Now I too would enjoy camping

Posted on Sun, 21 Jul 2024

Now I too would enjoy camping if all those comforts were on offer in the blink of an eye. Dolls coming to life though, that's most people's worst nightmare. There are so many unhindered imaginative elements in here.

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Posted in 'Unwanted Magic" 7

1 Vote

This is wonderful. The way

Posted on Fri, 19 Jul 2024

This is wonderful. The way you've described the sights, sounds, atmosphere. I was simply teleported to the scene. Magical and one to return to.

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Posted in Rain at the Forest Cafe

1 Vote

Terrifying isn't it, Maxine.

Posted on Fri, 12 Jul 2024

Terrifying isn't it, Maxine. A national health crisis. This will be news for a week or two and then forgotten. For me it raises bigger questions about the sophistication of the crime and how a young man reaches this point. Poor father and older...

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Posted in Domestics Violence At Its Worst!!!

1 Vote

That was simply a unique read

Posted on Wed, 10 Jul 2024

That was simply a unique read, nothing predictable, more like a verbal collage using so many materials from different sources to create a thought provoking piece of art. I always found Midsummer Night's dream sort of trippy, I enjoyed how you've...

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Posted in A Midsummer Night’s Dream
